Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

Kissaluvs,Monkey Snuggles,Blueberry,Sunbaby

I haven't added reviews lately,sorry! So here we go!
(I will add pictures later)

Kissaluv sized fitteds:

I did not like these at first. I tried it again now that she is about 2lbs bigger and I get a much better fit. I still have to use a cover at all times. It is not the type of fitted you can leave coverless but it works pretty well.

Kissaluv Marvels OS fitteds:

Again,even though this one is a one size diaper I can't get a good fit. It has side snaps,but no snaps down the front to change the rise. They are really cute though. I can leave her in it about 45+ minutes before having to put a cover on her.Maybe when she is older this will fit her better.

Monkey Snuggles fitteds:

I have nothing but love for my MS fitteds! They snap to fit trim,they are very absorbent,they are so super stinking cute.AND she can go for 2+ hours before needing a cover or change.I will be adding more of these to my stash!

Blueberry pocket:

These are a little more bulky than what I prefer,BUT they work very well.They come in great colors and prints and contain whatever comes their way! I would like to add a couple more to my stash.Blueberry also offer regular diapers and minky,which is a soft outer shell almost fur like.

SunBaby pocket:

I actually got one of these from a trade. I didn't expect much since they are only about $6ish on ebay.This has become one of the first diapers I go to. I really like it!Granted the print is some super creepy and very ugly unicorns.By unicorns I don't mean normal unicorns. I mean creepy unicorn people.Ha!Ha!Really though,the thing works wonders and it is one of the few diapers that does not leave red marks all over her legs!

Ok. I will add pictures,prices and links very soon!